Saturday, May 31, 2008


I am in Oregon right now. It is really beautiful. It's very sunny during the day and the nights have a slight breeze that make you feel like your wrapped in a blanket of air...and lust.

Anyway, I was thinking to myself, "Oregon is so beautiful, why don't more people talk about this place as being one of the greatest places to live?"

I really had to think about it. Yet, I figured it out.

It is because people that live here are known as Oregonians. I don't think anyone has ever referred to themselves as an Oregonian and felt respected. They know that they are being scoffed at. Even inside their very own heart, they know the words, "I am an Oregonian" sound just plain stupid.

Then it occurred to me, I don't know if I could live here. Can you imagine the situations you would get in?

"Hey, I'm Reid How are you?"
"Good, My throats a little dry, but overall good. You?"
"Not bad, thanks for asking. Are you from around here?"
"No, I'm from Michigan. We got lakes, we like it that way, Where are you from?
"haha. Really? Would you consider yourself an Oregonian?"

Although I love it here, that situation may be a little too emotionally traumatic to deal with.

1 comment:

monkidesign said...

I bet that would make the Michigander feel better about himself though.