Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Miracle of Fast Food

This isn't going to be one of those blogs that recant how bad fast food is for you. Throw facts at you like, "Did you know that 48 Milk Cartons contain the same amount of calories that are in One large fry?"

No Thank You

The reason I am not doing that is because everybody knows how bad fast food is for you. It just is. It just is. It's like cigarettes, warning labels that have skull and crossbones on them are everywhere, yet it doesn't hinder people from indulging. It feels good, fast food feels good. How rewarding is it that you can come home from a day of work and walk into a restaurant, wait about 1 1/2 minutes, each one of the best meals of your life, pay less than 5 dollars, and fall asleep instantly at home or in the car on the way home. Or you slip into a coma at Mcdonald's.Cause let's face it, barely anybody can stay awake after you each a lot of this stuff. It's like Nyquil. Yet, instead of being in a baby cup its in the form of a delicious cheeseburger. Also, instead of waking up in the morning all groggy, you feel pretty average. You may have painful bowel movements, or a bad cough, and overtime most likely will develop heart disease, but hey....don't the pro's outweigh the con's? That's debatable.

I know there are some of you who have your mind set that a Mcdonald's Big Mac is a harbinger of Satan, but for the rest of us....Why do we love it so much? Fast Food such a widespread epidemic?


Anonymous said...

Maybe because fast food is injected with chemicals which sole purpose is to get you addicted to them?

Thankfully, I've never had fast food in my life so I can't relate to what you're talking about.

I'm also a tri-athlete.

Caitlin Mackenzie said...

I heard jonny eats spinach for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

You heard right, Caitlin.

Anonymous said...

Well said.