Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hiccups: Minor Inconvenience or Death Sentence?

I know that is a pretty intense title, but this is a very important post. I am bogged down with homework right now so I don't have time to write a long-winded story that will warm your heart. But, I was visiting BBC news online and I found an article about a man who was getting an operation to cure his hiccups.

At first I was like, really? Really?

I get hiccups maybe four times a year and even then I have never considered surgery during the seven minute bouts in which they occur. I immediately though this man was dramatic like a lady that wears Uggs. I know I made a hasty generalization, but come on, Uggs? Why were they made? To show you who to stay away from. Don't get mad, deal with it, I already have.

Back to the story. It appears this man gets the hiccups every two to three seconds. That is why this story really got me. Hiccups aren't really painful, just really annoying. It would be like watching all the seasons of Laguna Beach. You can do it, but why the hell would you want to?

Anyway, read this article and let me know. Could you live with the hiccups? Why or why not?


change is the only constant said...

i could live without the hiccups but not without you!!!

Kyle said...

I could live without having to read any of Christians comments.

Caitlin Mackenzie said...

Oh Reid, you have never had bad hiccups then. I have had them so bad before that they hurt. No, I could not live with the hiccups especially if they happened every 2-3 seconds.

This is my favorite blog of yours so far.... I laughed out loud.

Anonymous said...

I could live without Kyle's misguided assessments of Denzel Washington.

Kyle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kyle said...

I could live without Jonny's critique of everything I disagree with him on.

Which doesn't seem to be that much...

What, Brick and Denzel?

Can't we just set aside our differences?