Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bill and Hillary

Well....Today I was bored and I decided to surf internet videos. I happened to stumble upon a new interview with Bill O'Reilly and Hillary Clinton.

Now, I am one of those Americans whom believes that Hillary Clinton is.......not quite human. She is just kind of creepy. However, that is only because of what I see on TV. Yet, she kind of suprised me when she was on Bill O'Reilly's TV show.

First of all, I have to give her some respect to even go on O'Reilly's show. Bill O'Reilly is a shock Jock plain and simple. He is loud, makes bad points, and threatens people of not being American when things don't go his way. In my mind, he is akin to Howard Stern. They just say outrageous things to get people to listen. Hence why Howard Stern has millions of listeners and why Bill O'Reilly has millions of listeners. People may say, but Reid! O'Reilly does talk about sex, he talks about politics. Just because he talks about politics doesn't mean what he says isn't ridiculous.

Now I kind of understand why Hillary Clinton doesn't show a lot of emotion. Can you imagine going on a show and berated by stupid questions? She has to be tough and she has to be strong. In the video that I found and post below, I believe Hillary stood her ground.

Bill just threw loaded questions at her and when he didn't like the answer he accused her plan of being Socialist. Accusations like that are really fantastic and not to mention smart. When you hear the term "Red Scare" doesn't it just make you think of Puppies and Lilacs? No, you think of people like Bill O'Reilly. Scared whiners whom when things don't go their way, make outlandish accusations just for attention.

I'm sorry, I know this is a random post. I don't really claim to know politics that well. I don't really know what Hillary or Obama stand for in and out, but I do know what a bad interviewer looks like and I am really happy that Hillary didn't put up with his crap.

What do you guys think about the interview?


change is the only constant said...

reid o'reilly doesn't talk about sex!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually, he talks about sex quite a bit.

Priest sex scandals and their effects on the Catholic church, the pervasive use of sex in hip-hop culture (which is his not-so-discreet euphemism for "black culture"), and how sex is destroying American teenagers are some of his favorite topics -- next to the War On Christmas, of course... which we all know is such an important issue facing this country.

PS: I agree Reid, I think Hilary did a surprisingly good job -- considering that was probably the last place on Earth she wanted to be.

PPS: The thing that cracks me up the most about O'Reilly is his Talking Points Memo. All it is is graphic text that agrees with what he says... as if that adds some sort of credibility to his arguments or something. I think they're ridiculous and unintentionally funny.

That's why I fell in love with Colbert right away. I said, "Finally, someone else thinks the Talking Points Memo is a joke and thinks it's ripe for parody!"