Monday, June 30, 2008

An Enigma

As my girlfriend was flipping through the channels today my eyes fell upon a familiar face. Someone who has been in my life from as early as I can remember. Someone whom has been there for me through thick and thin....short and tall. However, as I sat and thought of all her the person's lovely qualities, I realized I know nothing about her. To think of her is merely second nature, but what to think of her I fear I don't know. This enigmatic figure that I am referring to is yep you guessed it: Kimmy Gibbler.

Kimmy Gibbler never went by Kim, or just Kimmy. It was always Kimmy Gibbler. While this seems like a minor detail, she wouldn't be the same if you were to only acknowledge her using her first name. Her last name personified who she was: A Gibbler.

Kimmy Gibbler was always welcome into the Tanner Residence. While she may have been annoying, she was cordial. While she may have caused her fair share of mishaps, she was always there to offer kind words to her best friend D.J. She wasn't just the next door neighbor from Full House, She was America's next door neighbor.

But...I have come to a sad conclusion. After watching a few episodes I have realized that American never got to see Kimmy's parents. Kimmy rarely ever mentioned them. When someone brings them up on the show, Kimmy always finds a way to make a joke out of it.

This is no joke. If my daughter was spending at least 3/4 of the day over at her friend's house, I would want to know what was going on. Especially if there were 3 dads living in that house and there was a camera crew filming their every move. Maybe I am just old fashioned but I would be a bit skeptical.

I know you guys are thinking, "Why blog about this Reid?"

Why Not? I mean Why Not?

Where is this poor girl's family. I think if we could meet her parents we would understand their daughter a lot better.

If anyone has any information let me know. I am worried sick about her.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On Being Paranoid

I don't really know where I got it from, but I suffer from bouts of anxiety. One day, I will be doing just fine...yet if a monkey wrench gets thrown into my usual plans...all goes to hell.

As posted before, I think shows like Oprah have made our world constantly paranoid. Everything will eventually kill us. Put an extra packet of sugar in your coffee as opposed to your usual one, and you might as well start researching coffins on they sell coffins there)

Although I poke fun at these shows and how they affect our society, I cannot say that they have no had an impact on my life.

The past few nights I have been having what can be described as "heart fluttering."
After trying to pass if off as a muscle spasm, my brain started to think. Whether it was due to my actual nerves or the fact that I had been watching X-Files at the time, I started to become paranoid. What was inside of my body that was making my heart do this? Was this irregularity in my heartbeats due to caffeine, exercise, or Aliens. After I discounted the last one, I started to look on the always inviting google.

It seems that google is now synonymous with "answer" lately. At least for me, whenever there is a question that is troubling me, I look to my friend google because there is surely no other credible source.

I am getting off track. After searching google for a little while I came upon forum after forum of people who were posting their experiences with "heart fluttering." Now keep in mind that nothing that I looked at were websites of legitimate doctors. To me this makes sense because if doctors can make a thousand dollars just for making you take your pants off in a small white room, why would they give away free advice on the internet?

Yet, the absence of doctors didn't trouble me. It also didn't trouble me that rather than looking at websites such as "Health Talk" or "Virtual Doctor", I stumbled upon sites such as "Bob's Health Talk" and ""

I was just amused that there were people who were experiencing what I was: seemingly imminent death. Not only did they write about their own personal terrors, they used the same exclamation points that I would have used had I posted. I AM DYING!!!!
My World is Ending? Jason Priestly is a God?!

Anyway, just by knowing that there are other people out there who experience what I am, I feel better. I don't really know where this post is going but I guess if millions of people are going to freak out about their health, at least they are in the crowd and aren't going through it alone.

I will probably die in my sleep

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dreamy Discussion

I have done it. I have come across a picture that has truly baffled me.

Witness this:

What are these men talking about? Also, why is it so important that men have set up lawn chairs to witness this historic event? Also, is that a referee against that back wall? Is this a show down? Maybe they are discussing the up and coming election. Maybe they are being passive aggressive while they discuss their favorite episode of Felicity. I don't know. I don't know if I should know. This may be too much for the world to handle.

What do you guys think?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Citizen Soldier

Has anyone been to a movie theater in the past year? If so, there is a good chance that you have seen this stellar monument of AMERICAN Music!

Three Doors Down - Citizen Soldier

Three Doors Down's genius is threefold.

1) They wrote a catchy song. The chorus is so rudimentary and predictable that even a Zombie could pick up the tune after one listen. Trust me, that is something special. Decaying vocal chords make it really hard to even hum, but Three Doors certainly circumvented that challenge and picked up a new demographic!

2) Most teenage men can relate to the lyrics. Certainly anyone who is listening to Three Doors Down isn't looking to pick up hidden meanings in the songs, metaphors, intellectual musings, or really anything for that matter. As shown in example one, a listener doesn't need a brain to enjoy this. HOWEVER!, those with brains hear the words "Citizen, Soldier" and their ears perk. They think to themselves, "I am a Citizen! I Desire to Be A Soldier! I can relate to this, I'm not alone after all." Yet, they are alone. Always

3) Gross Military Funding! Their video shows young "Citizen Soldiers" AKA "White Nameless Americans" running through generations of America's crusades for freedom,justice, and the right to own a 64 inch plasma TV while millions starve to death each day. These soldiers run amid hails of gunfire and while their enemies parish, they remain unscathed.

I just think it is all genius. I mean, how else are you going to try to subversively recruit people by showing them severely distorted images of war? Answer: A Catchy Rock Anthem!

Three Doors Down, I salute you.