Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It's almost Halloween time! This is really exciting for me. I am really sorry you guys if you wanted a super awesome serious post. I just wanted to let you know that I love Halloween!

I love it cause there is candy! And just to let you in on a secret "I have sweet teeth!"

It would be better if I just had a sweet tooth, but NOPE! I have multiple SWEET TEETH!

I don't floss either, bad combo. But in the end! What is God going to look at? The fact that I slide plastic (I think) between my teeth for 15 minutes a day, or the fact that I celebrated his love by inhaling Mars Bars.

Sidenote: Do you think that since God knows EVERYTHING, that he doesn't find as much joy in Choose Your Own Adventure novels as lets say, someone who doesn't know Everything.

Anyway, I love halloween. I'm going to be OBAMA. That way I can have fun, but also campaign!

Campaigning and Candy!

Here's the Cherry on top of the already delicious sundae.

I love to hang out with children! Don't get weird ed out America! I just enjoy spending time with them because I feel like they are going through emotionally what I face on an everyday basis. Questions like: "How can I possibly consume more candy?" and other questions like "How is a chowder different than other soups?"

Halloween is the only night I can do all of my favorite things. 1)Eat Candy 2) Campaign 3)Talk with people my mental age about things I'm interested in for a change!

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

3 Musketeers Please!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tight Black Shirt

I know I have complained about the news before. However, it seems to be getting worse.

As I thumbed through the channels last night, I payed a little visit to CNN. I don't know why my mind was drawn to CNN, but it was. Information was being thrown at me from every direction. Not only was the little bar at the bottom of the television giving me information about Lindsay Lohan's latest drug bust, but also a portly man on the main screen was fiddling with an electronic map that in no way shape or form made sense. I am pretty sure that the brains behind CNN feel that if they have a $50,000 screen that lights in order to better explain the complex nature of the election, then viewers will trust that CNN has the "Real" Facts.
Yet they don't. Why? Because their main attraction is Anderson Cooper. An while he may look sexy gliding through terrorist jungles in a tight black T-shirt, he is still an idiot. I rarely ever see him actually explain the news. He always just assembles a panel of people who hate each other and who insist on arguing until the truth is revealed, which will never happen.

Yet, people trust men in tight shirts. They need the news flashy and "Raw." Cnn has Andy Coop whom is sexy, and Fox News has O'Reilly who just yells at people who don't share his ignorance.

It seems people would go crazy if they had to listen one mild mannered man tell, not shout, the news without hip and flashy graphics.

Until then, people like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Cooper, Hannity and Skeletor, will be the bearer of news for 90% of the American people.

And that my friends, should scare the living ___________ out of you.

Post Script:

For those of you wondering why I put Hannity and Skeletor. It is because I think Colmes of Hannity and Colmes looks like Skeletor.

Proof is in the pudding:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Good Ol' Days

Last Night,

My roommate and I watched the first installment of the Ken Burns documentary on the Civil War. It is a fascinating documentary, albeit the running time is nearly 15 hours. However, even though it was exciting to see how people who lived during this time reacted to the war around them, it was also discouraging in some places also.

One reason it was discouraging was because the generals of the Civil War had some really bizarre yet flattering nicknames. For example, there was a famous general during the beginning of the war whom was nicknamed "Ol' Fuss and Feathers." I'm sorry if you don't think that is just plain awesome. Imagine yourself walking into a bar, wearing clogs, and as soon as you break through those old salon doors you hear someone shout, "Hey Ol' Fuss and Feathers, we saved a seat fo ya!" That is certainly more excited then hearing the usual Santa Cruzian "Sup Bro."

What discouraged me about this was that those nicknames are long gone. The only nicknames I hear regularly are "dude", "butthead" and of course the aforementioned "Bro." I long for a good nickname, the kind that you hear that makes you wonder how someone could have ever been possibly given that title. How does someone get "Ol' Fuss and Feathers"? I don't know. Most importantly, I don't care. Cause it's probably a story I don't want to hear, but it's a nickname my ears salivate for. (Gross)

The other discouraging thing about this documentary was the fact that it was narrated by actors that were reading private journals of this period. Men whom took long hours of the day to dictate the days events in the most eloquent way possible. I cannot even begin to give an example because it is so beautiful.
This just made me sad because when people study the past ten years of our history, they won't find wordy journals. They will find blogs from 13 year olds and people such as I. It will read, "Today sucked butt. I totally got an F on my Paper. This girl text me today, I was like whatever...Bro. 9/11 was an inside job. I'm out!"

This is sad to me because I cannot picture Garrison Keeler's voice reading that.

I just long for the good old days. The days of Civil War. I bet that is the only time you will ever hear that sentence.

9/11 was an inside job. I'm out!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

They're Coming to Get Your Barbara!

This weekend I am visiting my friend Jonny yet again in San Francisco. While it is always whimically ostensibly great to come here, tonight was especially wonderful.

We attended the Castro Theatre's "Shock It To Me" Festival.

The night consisted of a double feature of classic horror movies, Spider Baby and Night of the Living Dead. On top of this, the event was hosted by Ms.Monster, whom apparently is a national icon. As if this wasn't enough, Sid Haig was also there. If you are not familiar with this name, don't worry. Even if you "googled" him you probably wouldn't recognize him. Yet, for the .1% of morons who are familiar with his work in extremely low budget horror films, it was quite a treat.

While the movies were great to see on the big screen, I couldn't help but think about our host Ms. Monster. As the picture shows, she is a woman whom covers herself in blueish/green paint and makes appearances at horror movie conventions for a living. I just wondered how someone gets into that line of work. I cannot imagine that she makes really good money and I don't think her parents are super proud of their little girl's career choice. I just wonder where the satisfaction comes from. Who am I judge right?

I guess we all want attention. Heck I am probably just jealous that I didn't think of it first. She did make the event better, which in turn made me have a more enjoyable experience.

So in the end, I am proud of Ms. Monster. You go girl. You are the American dream.

Forget Joe the Plumber, the real working class hero is Ms. Monster.

Think about it, I just did.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


If you know me, I'm sorry.

If you know me, I can almost guarantee that I have asked you a question that attempts to gauge how shallow you are.

This question usually is formatted like this:
"What if you met the man/woman of your dreams, he was perfect in every way, except _____. Would you be able to spend the rest of your life with him/her?"

I have filled this blank in with many different scenarios such as, "he/she carried a Wii-Mote around their wrist everywhere they went." or "He/she would only get married if the song 'you spin me right round baby right round' would be the only song played throughout your wedding'". Or "he/she gagged uncontrollably everytime someone said the word croissant." Or "he/she Thought walking on their hands was the best way to reduce their carbon footprint." Or "Called Farts "rippers" and loved to tell everyone that she just "ripped a ripper" everytime you were in public."

The list is endless.

After asking ourselves these questions, we should (as Americans) found out just a little bit more about ourselves.

If you have any scenarios that you would like the share with the blog I am all ears.
I have to go. My girlfriend just ripped a ripper.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Watch This Video

A professor of mine showed me this video the other day. I really think all of you should sit down and take the time to watch it.

An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Movie Reviews!

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Review: This movie should have been called Nick and whatever this movie seriously is terrible.

That's all for today folks!