Friday, April 25, 2008

Jimmy Fallon

This post was inspired by Jonny Hutchinson giving me the following information:

"Jimmy Fallon is NBC's first choice to succeed Conan O'Brien as "Late Night" Host"

Really NBC? Jimmy Fallon? You really had nobody else?

This is a really hard post because to know some people enjoy the childish and depressing antics of Jimmy Fallon, but I need to get this out anyway.

Jimmy Falon is ridiculous and terrible. I have no idea why he is popular at all. He is terrible...terrible..terrible.......................................................terrible

Some people have explained to me that they like him because he laughs during sketches.
I'm sorry but that isn't funny, that is an inability to act. Sure he has been in funny situations and he has been a witness to comedy, but he has never been the source.

You know how when you are laughing and you see other people laughing and it keeps you laughing for a lot longer than you should? Jimmy Fallon is just that guy who is always laughing. He makes you laugh because you see someone else laughing, you don't really know what else to do so you just sit and laugh with him. That is why he is popular, cause he keeps us laughing without knowing why. He himself is a joke and a sad one.

Here comes the ultimate test whether Jimmy Fallon is funny or not. Jimmy Fallon is really funny in _________.

We have already established that he isn't funny on Saturday Night Live and he just laughs, we cannot use SNL as an example. So Jimmy Fallon is funny in? Taxi? Fever Pitch?

Let's face it, he is a sad human being. Yet, maybe he will succeed as a late night host. Maybe he will just laugh the whole time and after a half and hour everyone will just start laughing and you'll pass out while watching it. When you wake up, you'll wonder if that is all he does and you'll keep watching the show. Thus the vicious cycle continues.
Its hopeless. Jimmy Fallon is not funny.


change is the only constant said...

conan is funny in_____________

leno is funny in___________

lettermen is funny in________________

the end...

Anonymous said...

You cannot ask the same question for existing Late Night Talk show hosts. They have already proven themselves. David Letterman has done 1,168 episodes to date. He wouldn't be on that long if people didn't love him and continue to watch him. Jay Leno got popular because of his stand up comedy career and it was because of his stand up that he got asked to do the show.

Conan, not only was he a writer for SNL for three years but was also a writer for the simpsons for a couple years. You can't laugh your way through writing, you have to write funny stuff. He has been on the air for 11 years and attracts an average of 2.5 million viewers a night.

These men have proven themselves.

Jimmy Fallon has done what? He was labeled in Time Magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people. He has never been recognized for his comedy and has yet to prove himself.

I'm sorry Christian your argument doesn't work....At all....It's just bad.

I'm sorry. Thats the End.

Jimmy Fallon's comedy future is a dream and a dumb one.

Love you man

Anonymous said...

Are we sure Jimmy Fallon even has the mental capacity to properly conduct an interview? We can debate whether or not he's funny all day long, but the fundamental question, to me, is: Can he manage to focus on his guests and not the camera?

To be fair: when Craig Ferguson was announced as the new CBS Late Show host, people threw a fit. He (like Fallon) was a fairly undistinguished comedian who hadn't done a whole lot; however, I think it's safe to say that he has turned out to be quite a good late night host, and he suprisingly gets very strong ratings considering he goes head-to-head with Conan on a nightly basis.

As far as Fallon is concerned,I've never been the biggest fan of his, but I don't necessarily hate him either. I do agree that he, along with Dane Cook, share the distinction of "Comedians Who Never Should Have Attempted Film Careers," and I do agree that he undeservedly gets credit for being "funny" because he cracks up during skits, but I have to say that I did like him in Factory Girl -- then again, that's the one time where he wasn't trying to be funny. Had he broken character and cracked up during that production, Guy Pearce surely would have slapped him across the face.

Oh, and Christian, to answer your question: Conan is funny in... EVERY SINGLE SHOW, EVERY WEEKNIGHT FOR THE PAST 11 YEARS.