Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Baby Baller's

Like most people whom are consious, there are a lot of things in America that perturb me. While things such as Tyler Perry's fame used to be in the forefront of my mind as very disturbing, it is starting to be taken over by the idea of the Brand Name. If you have a tv or have been outside your house in the last 100 years, you will notice that brand names are quite a big deal to the American public. They are important for two reasons. 1) Is that sometimes the more well known brands offer a more quality product. For Example, a pair of "Levi's" jeans may last longer and be made of a more comfortable material than from the "Kurt Duggan's Jean Machine" company. This, to me, is understandable.

The Second reason is that people like brands name because
it makes people feel better about themselves and unconciously gives them a feeling of superiority. To me, this is really depressing. A perfect example of this is Louis Vuitton. While I do not know a member of the Vuitton family and cannot say anything bad about the man himself, his products serve absolutely no purpose what so ever in this world. One of his pursues or handbags, however you spin it, costs about $1,180. I would pray that any normal person would look at this and laugh. However, there are a privileged few whom think it is completely economical to spend that much money on something that holds your wallet, keys, and possible Chihuaha that wears a blue cardigan. I just don't get it.

While this Brand Name thing has always bothered me, I have always pushed it into the back of my mind. Yet, while I was listening to NPR last night, I heard about the newest Brand Name product that was sweeping the nation. Upon hearing this news, I pulled over my car to wait out the oncoming conniption fit that was soon to take place . Bug-a-Boo has released a baby stroller that is $800 dollars. While I know some of you are saying, "Can you put a price on your sweet and precious baby?" I don't know and frankly I don't care if you can because your not doing it for the baby, you are doing it for you. The baby doesn't give a damn if you push it in a padded shopping cart, as long as your not dragging it on the ground. Your doing it so you can have the Brand Name, which carries with it the rewarding experience of momentary envy from people who otherwise would have nothing to do with you because it clear that you make horrible decisions.

Is there any reason for this? Can anyone help me? Please help me understand this!


change is the only constant said...

i don't think that people should be getting baby strollers anyways. i really believe its a myth that babies can't walk. because seriously they can walk just the same way we can. babies are smarter than the average human anyways...take steve guttenburg he is not as smart as a baby...in fact he is an idiot of made seriously terrible movies.
also bugaboo...you should be selling copies of baby genious' 1 and 2 instead of strollers. you would make far more money of this for 2 reasons. 1 it makes babies smarter, and they can fly, and 2 seriously i have no idea what I am writing about.

Anonymous said...

Three things that I cannot understand:

1) Why anyone would pay that much for a stroller.

2) Tyler Perry's success.

3) How Hayden Christensen still gets work.