Monday, July 7, 2008

Perplexed by Chinese Food

Those who read my blog know that although I believe there are important issues that need to be discussed, I seem to always seem to write about the little things that irk me in life. For some reason, as I was about to go for a run today my mind somehow stumbled upon Chinese food. At first I thought to myself, "Chinese food, Why would I think of that? How silly of me!" However, that thought quickly changed to, "Chinese food...What is Chinese food? Why is Chinese food?

I really don't know. Nor do I have the time to research all of the possible things that haunt the kitchens of your local Panda Express, I do know that places such as Panda Express explicitly boast about the fact that their food does not contain MSG (Monosodium glutamate). This scares me a bit. This means that MSG, which has a well known reputation for wrecking havoc on the human body, is a mainstay in the Chinese food community. Since it is such a prominent ingredient in Chinese food, places such as Panda Express have to boast that this chemical doesn't reside in their customer's sweet and sour pork. Maybe this doesn't freak anyone else out. I just don't like that a particular type of food restaurant has to constantly promote that their food won't cause people to have an early death. I mean come on, that should just be a give. Food sustains life and restaurants shouldn't have to constantly have to earn the trust of their customers. Yet, most people do not heed these warnings and they indulge their hunger for Kung Pao chicken. These are most likely the very same people who still think Phen Phen was a fantastic achievement in medicine.

Speaking of Pills, I think a bottle of pills is just about as filling as a couple of containers of Chow Mein. On top of that, they are probably equally as lethal.

I know there are some communists out there who will probably be appalled at my condemnation of Chinese food. However, I am not saying that it is the worst thing out there. I am very aware that places like Mcdonalds and Taco Bell are destroying people's chances at a healthy life. I just chose Panda Express because I have never seen a banner out in front of Taco Bell that read, "Come In! Tacos for under a Dollar! We promise you won't die!"

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