Sunday, July 13, 2008

Don't Touch

I just have to say something. My sister in law is pregnant. I mean really pregnant. While that is life changing and all that jazz, It got me thinking about how pregnancy is not only a violation of your body from your inside, but more importantly the outside too.

I get it, the baby is your baby. So your not going to care that is taking up all the room that your vital organs use to have. That is not the problem.

Most people see a pregnant belly as an open invitation for petting. I am not saying that I have ever been pregnant or that I know what it is like, but I have been around enough pregnant people to know that a lot of people feel like it is ok just to come up and rub their hands all over the swollen stomach. Again, I have never been pregnant, but I am sure that out of all times in my life, that is not the time I really want a lot of people touching me.

Other than that, I've got nothing else.

Go see the Dark Knight


Caitlin Mackenzie said...

Don't worry about it tootsie. Just do your part encouraging others to not touch. And just know one day that you can make a big difference when your wife is pregnant by telling people to stop touching her belly.

The Webbers said...

I randomly came across your blog and just had to comment on this post since I am rather pregnant myself. It's true, people feel VERY comfortable touching your stomach AND giving LOTS of advice. I think you should try time you see someone touching a pregnant belly, just walk up and start touching their belly!
