Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It's almost Halloween time! This is really exciting for me. I am really sorry you guys if you wanted a super awesome serious post. I just wanted to let you know that I love Halloween!

I love it cause there is candy! And just to let you in on a secret "I have sweet teeth!"

It would be better if I just had a sweet tooth, but NOPE! I have multiple SWEET TEETH!

I don't floss either, bad combo. But in the end! What is God going to look at? The fact that I slide plastic (I think) between my teeth for 15 minutes a day, or the fact that I celebrated his love by inhaling Mars Bars.

Sidenote: Do you think that since God knows EVERYTHING, that he doesn't find as much joy in Choose Your Own Adventure novels as lets say, someone who doesn't know Everything.

Anyway, I love halloween. I'm going to be OBAMA. That way I can have fun, but also campaign!

Campaigning and Candy!

Here's the Cherry on top of the already delicious sundae.

I love to hang out with children! Don't get weird ed out America! I just enjoy spending time with them because I feel like they are going through emotionally what I face on an everyday basis. Questions like: "How can I possibly consume more candy?" and other questions like "How is a chowder different than other soups?"

Halloween is the only night I can do all of my favorite things. 1)Eat Candy 2) Campaign 3)Talk with people my mental age about things I'm interested in for a change!

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

3 Musketeers Please!

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