Saturday, August 22, 2009


I just have to say that I don't like it when people say "Cheers" when they mean "thank you."

If your at a bar with a couple of people from England and Manchester United just scores, then look at your friends, hit your overflowing pints of Michelob Ultra together and exclaim "CHEERS!"

But if your at a coffee shop, let's say my coffee shop, and I give you a drink. Don't say cheers. The first reason being that when you say "thank you," it is usually followed up by a customary "your welcome." When you utter the words "cheers" there is no follow up, unless you count the dead silence as a response. Which I wouldn't cause that is such an agonizing four seconds. I am not going to say, "Cheers to you too." I am also not going bring myself down to your level by responding with the same idiotic nonsense.

I get it. Don't think I don't. Your striving to be original. It's cute. You are rebelling against social norms and you think a coffee shop is going to be the best place to exercise your new found freedom...but don't. There are already to many maladies in the realm of human interaction. We don't need this filth.

If the Tv show Cheers was about Rita Pearlman going around trying to make herself seem hip then maybe you would have an excuse, but it wasn't, and you don't


Anonymous said...


Bradd said...


Manchester United Fan said...

I am outraged! We don't drink Michelob Ultra! That piss water is for those douchebag Chelsea fans.