Saturday, November 22, 2008


Twilight. I'm sure everybody has been affected by this book in one way or another. Whether or not you have a sibling whom has been infected by this craze, or you yourself have succumb to the temptation, It's ok, I understand.

I read the first book and I am on the second book.
While I do not think that Stephanie Meyer is a good author, I do think that she has created a very interesting world that keeps the reader desiring to revisit every chance they get.

With that said, If you plan on reading this book, I beg you to not see the film.

I just got out of the theater not that long ago and it is certainly atrocious. It is not accurate to the book at all and in fact, makes the book seem like a literary masterpiece when you compare the two.

It isn't very accurate to the book and threw away what I felt were some of the best parts of the book.

SO in other words, I am a loser. I investigated the Twilight craze and I became a TWILIGHTER if you will, I wish you won't.

While you make fun of me, it will catch up to you one day. Oh yes it will. Soon you will be flipping the pages and desiring to know what Edward and Bella are up to.

All I ask is that you stay away from the film.

Please do so. Please.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Dude, I respect you.

One thing. I would try to space out Paramore posts and Twilight posts by more than just one.