Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am on a recent mission to know exactly what is going on in the world. I know that is nearly impossible since I am reading mostly the San Fran Chronicle and that means I am learning only what they
(The Bad People) feel is important.

I am mostly greeted by headlines that say, "Obama is doing this bad." "Mccain is older than first pyramid." "Presidential Candidates cause quite a ruckus at hotel vending machine!"
You get the picture.

While I know this presidential race is very important, the constant flow of what the candidates are doing is not very exciting. In fact, it is only good for inducing comas.

Just when I thought I had given up on the news, I stumble upon the beauty that is MSNBC. I don't really know what MSNBC means but I think it must stand for: MEN whom Support NEWS BECAUSE it is just plain SILLY!

My reasoning for this is because of a simple headline that they had on their online newspaper. It reads, and I quote: "Man Goes to Court After Butt Stapled Shut."

I don't even have a joke that is good enough to follow that.

For those of you whom don't believe me, haters, I have provided the link:

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