Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day

One of the greatest things about our country is that anything you can think of has most likely happened. More specifically, anything that you can think of, no matter how awful it is, has probably been covered in a late night with Jerry Springer episode. Yet, I think I might have thought of something that hasn't been covered on late night TV.

Our world, is not very smart. While there are intelligent people on this earth, they are few and far between. Hence why most of the stuff people look at online are videos of people doing stupid things. Nobody searches youtube for, "Guy who does incredibly hard math equation really fast" or "Awesome Debate Team Footage." Those videos aren't popular. Instead people (you) search for things such as, "Dog bites mans crotch in slow motion" and "Fart Videos" and "Nasty Fart Videos." To make a long story short, many people on this world are not very smart and they are revered by the public.

However, I don't think anyone who is pregnant has ever induced labor a couple of days just so their baby could be born on labor day.

I know you are just thinking, "Wow Reid, This is just Brainless."

Well so is the public and if you were to ask them, "Why do we have labor day?"

They would respond by drooling. Cause all they can think about is the day off that they have from work.

Since nobody really knows, nor cares, about the origins of labor day, then I believe that someone could actually think, "That must be the day that people have babies."

So while I started off this blog thinking that surely nobody could be that stupid, I just convinced myself that it is possible. Sad Times.

Enjoy Your Labor Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So... are you going to tell us about the origins of Labor Day?