Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We Will Overcome!

Recently, I have just been really annoyed by all the hatred that is being spit by anyone who claims to be interested in politics.

Check out some of these soundbites I have recently heard from random bystanders in the past couple of days.

"Obama is change, he is love, and you republicans can go eat a horse and fall in a toilet!"


"Tradition is best! It is what makes this country what it is! I hate everything and everyone that doesn't line up with my view."


"Friday the 13th is the worse horror film remake on the planet! Thank goodness everyone in the film died cause if I saw their nasty faces in anymore films, I think I would do myself in!"

While all of these quotes are false because I just made them up right now, and the third quote really doesn't fit into the whole argument at all, they represent this type of hate and anger that I am seeing everywhere I look.

I am really good at ignoring things and letting them build up inside me and although I hear stress isn't good for you per se, if your good at something, why quit?

However, I was perusing my locally owned organic bookstore, Borders, and I happen to come across the answer to mine and American's problems. In fact, this cure all is so effective that not only will I no longer have to deal with everyone else spitting hate everywhere, but I will no longer have to be a ticking time bomb of stress.

So, What is this answer to all the world's ills?

It is Chuck Norris's brand new book!

This is no joke, this is life changing.

Just check out the reviews on the page. They are glowing.

This is the answer!

Post all of your thank you's in the replies.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I love books. They are one of the things that makes me feel alive. Television, while enjoyable, only truly succeeds in numbing me. That is not to take away from amazing television shows such as Ellen or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, they don't hold a candle to books.

As much as I like the challenge of taking on big books, I usually choose them because I have a really hard time enjoying small ones. Not only does it take me a hundred pages or so to truly become invested in a book, but I like to visit these characters on a daily basis.

I just finished Philip Norman's lengthy biography of John Lennon. Being a big Beatles fan, I already knew how John's life came to a tragic end. Yet, for the weeks that I was reading John's everyday life, I always knew that when I got home from work he would be there waiting for me. It is books like these that make me appreciate redundancy, because sometimes it is necessary in order to put of reaching the end.

Finally, when I did close the final page, it really broke my heart that not only was John murdered, but my journey with him ended on that last page. It really made me feel like I knew the guy. Whether or not he was actually how he was portrayed by the author doesn't matter. I just really appreciated hanging out with John for the last bit of my life.

All I know is that I like big books.

I hope this makes sense to somebody.