Friday, December 21, 2007

When Bad Ideas Continue to go Bad

When I first started this blog I thought, "Great, not a single person listens to me. So, I need a viable alternative to just talking to myself out loud. After all, I feel as though I am the funniest man alive. Although this ego centric view isn't seen as one of my most loving features according to other people(people not funny enough for me to mention their name), it is still very true. I am my own number one fan.
For Example: I will say a witty remark to someone that will completely change their sense of what they know is funny. This is just second nature to me so I forget that I said it, while the other person is just floored with how inferior they are to my hilarity. They will then try to steal my thunder and recycle my words over and over again just to make themselves feel better. Finally, they will then say it back to me at a later date and I will think it is so funny. However, as soon as I find out that I was the origins of this comedy, I will usually just say, "that makes sense."

For those of you who followed along, thank you for basking in my love for myself. For those of you who couldn't keep up.........I don't know what to say. I feel bad for you now and I don't even know you....This is awkward.

Anyway, When I first started this blog, I thought this would be a great way for me to get my thoughts out into the world. Yet, School and a girlfriend consumed most of my time. This is ok, because I love giving all my time to my education and my girlfriend, I just wish that I had more time to give you what you all want, which is my thoughts.

Just so you know, I am feeling good. I am alive. I am on break. I am filling my time watching the Ken Burns documentary: The War. surprisingly not as funny as I thought it would be. The rest of my time is filled with a lot of Academy Award winning films such as: Psycho (Best Black and White Creepy Film), Santa's Slay (Best Movie Starring Bill Goldberg), Halloween, Hatchet (Not the Gary Paulson book), The Devil's Rejects, House of 1,000 Corpses.... You get the picture.

This is very much an unintentional Rob Zombie break. I have even watched his films with Directors commentary. This has yet to make any impact on my life.

Also, I am reading the distinguished author Dean Koontz. If you haven't read his books, they usually deal with gripping plot lines that include Pulitzer worthy characters such as, Boy, Girl, Giant Spider, Elvis, Another Giant Spider, Alien, Dog-Monkey, Monkey-Dog.

I know what your thinking. "But Reid! Why I am so bored with my life that I am actually reading your blog and posting comments (Which nobody has)?"

This hurts my feelings, but let's pretend you asked.

"Reid, why after a grueling quarter at school, reading intense history books, taking care of friends and family, and keeping up with your band (JRuss&the T's), are you just filling your vacation with mindless crap?"

My answer to this is......yes. Because I don't know how to answer it any other way. I just am.

Love, Greed, Lust, and the Holiday Season,