Friday, December 4, 2009


I am starting to realize that when you look at blogs, the person who uses the biggest words usually have no idea what they are talking about. Some people can utilize these words to make what they say clearer and more concise. Yet, most people just toss them around hoping that someone will get lost in what they say and click out of that window thinking, "Damn that guy is smart."

I see this a lot in christian blogs. Don't get me wrong, I am pumped that they are having a rousing conversation. Yet, if they really want to turn people onto God, they should be able to talk about it in layman's terms. I could be wrong, but most of the conversations I have eve's dropped on that include the common athiest, terms such as "Kalam Cosmological argument" and "Epiphenomenonalism." (Yes I just looked these words up)

Isn't it crazy. It's just so painfully axiomatic

1 comment:

Caitlin Mackenzie said...

What kind of blogs are you reading?