Thursday, October 16, 2008


If you know me, I'm sorry.

If you know me, I can almost guarantee that I have asked you a question that attempts to gauge how shallow you are.

This question usually is formatted like this:
"What if you met the man/woman of your dreams, he was perfect in every way, except _____. Would you be able to spend the rest of your life with him/her?"

I have filled this blank in with many different scenarios such as, "he/she carried a Wii-Mote around their wrist everywhere they went." or "He/she would only get married if the song 'you spin me right round baby right round' would be the only song played throughout your wedding'". Or "he/she gagged uncontrollably everytime someone said the word croissant." Or "he/she Thought walking on their hands was the best way to reduce their carbon footprint." Or "Called Farts "rippers" and loved to tell everyone that she just "ripped a ripper" everytime you were in public."

The list is endless.

After asking ourselves these questions, we should (as Americans) found out just a little bit more about ourselves.

If you have any scenarios that you would like the share with the blog I am all ears.
I have to go. My girlfriend just ripped a ripper.


Schlaeps said...

He/she was actually a level 10 elf rather than the level 21 paladin she led you to believe.

Anonymous said...

What if you met the girl of your dreams, and she was perfect, except for the fact that she insisted on checking the tire pressure on your car after every single stop you make.

It seems harmless enough, right?

But think about it...

EVERY stop for the rest of your lives...

Caitlin Mackenzie said...

It cannot end there. You cannot accuse me of passing gas in front of "America" and then end your blog. I am outraged.